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For Survivors

You are not alone.  Start here for help, healing, and hope. 

"With the right support and help, you can face and overcome sibling sexual abuse." 

--adult survivor collaborating with the UK Sibling Sexual Abuse Project

Are You a Survivor?

Episode 14, #SiblingsToo Podcast

Nancy Morris talks about the importance and use of language. 

17 minutes

Hollyoaks (UK drama series) did a storyline on sibling sexual abuse in 2024. Here actors from the TV family speak with real-life survivors of sibling sexual abuse, some on camera and some off.

Guidance & Information


By Survivors of Sibling Sexual Abuse


Outside This Site 

UK-based site specifically for sibling sexual abuse survivors​

There Is Hope After Sibling Sexual Abuse | Younique Foundation​

Survivors Healing Survivors blog by and for survivors of child sexual abuse​

Parenting as a Survivor from the Mama Bear Effect​

Should I Confront My Abuser? Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA)



5WAVES Confronting & Healing Sibling Sexual Abuse & Trauma (host of this site)

Incest AWARE

Hush No More

Survivor Alice Perle recounts her personal story of persisting to learn about sibling sexual abuse--from her book Resolve (41 min.)

Dr. Margaret Rutherford Selfwork Podcast:

Talking About Sibling Sexual Abuse with Jane Epstein of 5WAVES

Finding Help

Survivor Support Groups

Support for Male Survivors​

  • For men who have had unwanted sexual experiences

  • 24/7 online chat, message board/forum, blog, referrals for therapists and local support groups, resources for parents and partners of male survivors

  • Support for Male Survivors of any type of abuse private Facebook group

Self Help Resources 
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