For Survivors
You are not alone. Start here for help, healing, and hope.
"With the right support and help, you can face and overcome sibling sexual abuse."
--adult survivor collaborating with the UK Sibling Sexual Abuse Project
Figuring It Out
When It’s Complicated…
Are You a Survivor?
Episode 14, #SiblingsToo Podcast
Nancy Morris talks about the importance and use of language.
17 minutes
Hollyoaks (UK drama series) did a storyline on sibling sexual abuse in 2024. Here actors from the TV family speak with real-life survivors of sibling sexual abuse, some on camera and some off.
Guidance & Information
Stress & Trauma
Any Feeling is OK
Legal Options
Pros and Cons of Criminal Justice Involvement
By Survivors of Sibling Sexual Abuse
Outside This Site
UK-based site specifically for sibling sexual abuse survivors​
There Is Hope After Sibling Sexual Abuse | Younique Foundation​
Survivors Healing Survivors blog by and for survivors of child sexual abuse​
Parenting as a Survivor from the Mama Bear Effect​
Should I Confront My Abuser? Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse (HAVOCA)
5WAVES Confronting & Healing Sibling Sexual Abuse & Trauma (host of this site)
Survivor Alice Perle recounts her personal story of persisting to learn about sibling sexual abuse--from her book Resolve (41 min.)
Dr. Margaret Rutherford Selfwork Podcast:
Talking About Sibling Sexual Abuse with Jane Epstein of 5WAVES
Finding Help
Survivor Support Groups
- Sibling Sexual Trauma and Abuse private Facebook group by EmpowerSurvivors.net
- SARSAS Community Forum online support for adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse
- 5WAVES Discord Community includes a private channel for survivors as well as shared channels with information for any family member
Sibling Abuse Survivors (and Victors) private Facebook group for all types of sibling abuse
SARSAS community for adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse in the UK
Finding Hope Support Groups by Saprea.org for any type of child sexual abuse
Hidden Water Green Circle a restorative justice approach to bringing healing for survivors of child sexual abuse, available worldwide, with or without the participation of other family members
Trauma Leadership Network:Survivors Helping Survivors Facebook group by EmpowerSurvivors
Support for Male Survivors​
1in6.org For men who have had unwanted sexual experiences
Malesurvivor.org 24/7 online chat, message board/forum, blog, referrals for therapists and local support groups, resources for parents and partners of male survivors
Support for Male Survivors of any type of abuse private Facebook group
Self Help Resources
SARSAS Self-Help Guides for survivors of sexual abuse or trauma (available specific to female or male, Easy Read English, English, Arabic, Chinese, Somali, Ukranian
Trauma & Self-Care for Sexual Abuse/Assault Survivors self-guided online course by SARSAS, a leading crisis centre in the UK
MeQ Guided Journaling Prompts developed by Nancy Morris, a survivor of SSA (Can$19)