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You are not alone. Start here for help, healing, and hope.

You are on a journey for which no parent could prepare, stumbling your way along with no signposts and no one to ask for directions.  This site won't give you the answers but hopefully it will shed a bit of light in front of you and help you find a few traveling companions.


Basically every page on this website is relevant for parents, particularly those who are supportive parents of both the child/ren who were irreparably sexually harmed and the child/ren who caused the harm. Some material is aimed mainly at parents whose children are still growing up, but there is plenty that will be helpful for parents whose children are adults.  

According to professionals who work with children recovering from sexual abuse, the most important factor in a child's ability to heal and thrive is having at least one parent who believes them, protects them, and supports them through actions such as listening, finding help, respecting their feelings and wishes.

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Support Groups

Parents Coping with Sibling Sexual Trauma and Abuse private, moderated Facebook group, must request to join

​ weekly call-in support group for parents of sibling sexual trauma, with children of any age


Hearts of Healing online support group for parents of sibling sexual abuse on the platform; not moderated 


Hidden Water Orange Circle support groups for caregivers of children who have experienced or caused sexual harm; based on a restorative justice model, available worldwide with or without participation of the children

Live Helplines: Anonymous, Confidential, Respectful

US (& worldwide by email/chat):



From Parents Who Have Been There


Siblings Too Podcasts

hosted by SSA survivor & psychology researcher Nancy Morris

​A Conversation with Hope Sittler, 

parent coping with sibling sexual trauma

Part One

Part Two

A Family Journey Toward Justice and Healing After Sibling Sexual Abuse Disclosure (featuring Heather, John, and Brooke)

Part One

Part Two

Other Podcasts:

BBC File on 4, 14 June 2022

Sibling Sexual Abuse: The Last Taboo?

Other Recommended Resources


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*see caution below

*A Word of Caution: Many resources for parents of children who have been sexually abused are not written with sibling sexual trauma in mind. They usually assume the person who offended was an adult or someone outside the family. Some of the content might not be appropriate for situations in which your child or teen caused the trauma. There are important differences between children or teens who cause sexual harm and habitual adult offenders. It is appropriate for you to continue to love, support, and be concerned for the welfare of all your children. Continue to explore this site for information specific to sibling sexual trauma and abuse.

"Dear Stop It Now Helpline..."
Free Webinars, based on actual calls

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