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If You Have Hurt Your Sibling, or You Think Maybe You Did, or They Said You Hurt Them

You are not alone.  Start here for help, healing, & hope after harmful sexual behavior.

So glad you came here.  You have taken a big step in courage just to search and find this site.  You are willing to examine yourself, to face things in yourself, to ask questions about yourself that few people ever even try to face.


The following resources offer safe places to explore any questions or feelings about what you have done and where you stand now.  They are supportive and respectful of people who have caused sexual harm at any point in life, as well as those who have experienced harm.  They understand that a lot of people have some of both in their past.  They understand that sometimes it's not easy to tell what really happened and who hurt who.

Safe Spaces for Adults

*This is a moderated, private support board for those who are living life under the possibility or the actuality of being a registered sex offender, and their families and supporters.  It is for those who want to live a positive and clean life despite the threat or weight of this stigmatizing label and the restrictions that come with it.


In this Siblings Too podcast with Nancy Morris, "Adam" tells his story: how his abusive behavior toward his sister as a young teen has affected her life, his life, their family, and how he has been able to face what he did and have hope for the future.

Dear Stop It Now! Webinar: "Am I an abuser because of my sexual behaviors as a kid?" 

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