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Finding Treatment for Sexual Behavior Problems

Children and teens who have caused sexual harm to their siblings need help.  They need help in understanding what they have done and in learning how to avoid repeating this behavior in the future. With effective treatment, they have a high chance of success


People of any age who realize they crossed a line and hurt their sibling often carry a burden of guilt, shame, and regret. They are suffering too, even if their pain is cloaked in denial, anger, or destructive behavior. They may seriously question their identity, their self-worth, their ability to relate to others, or their sexuality. They may want to make amends to their sibling, reconcile with their family, or change their behavior but have no idea where to start.  


Child-on-child sexual abuse, and sibling sexual trauma in particular, are extremely complex with respect to family relationships. They are also so stigmatized and poorly understood that reaching out for help can be frightening, and finding appropriate help can be tricky. If the legal system is involved, the court may order a specific program. Other times, adults and parents need to find help on their own.  


Tools for Finding Treatment

FINDING THE RIGHT TREATMENT | National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth

Find a Treatment Provider | ATSA confidential search for local, qualified treatment for harmful sexual behavior

Worldwide Search Tool of Providers of Problematic Sexual Behavior-Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Treatment Referrals | Safer Society Press

Stop It Now Helpline can help point you in the right direction

Charlie Health offers online therapy with no waitlists, including treatment for problem sexual behavior

International Institute for Trauma & Addiction Professionals Search Tool



Additional Resources


Literature on Treatment Options

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