
Sibling sexual abuse. Sibling incest. Sibling sexual trauma. Harmful sexualized behavior. Child-on-child sexual abuse. Maybe you don't even know what to call it yet. Maybe you didn't realize that brothers or sisters could do this to each other.
Sibling sexual trauma is thought to be one of the most common forms of sexual harm to children. It devastates families and individuals like little else. Yet it is the least understood, least reported, least talked about of any kind of sexual violation.*
Maybe you're still not sure if these words apply to you. Maybe you have been living with a secret for years and don't know how to break the silence. Maybe you are still in shock that you needed to search for this kind of information. Maybe you are needing information to help a client on this journey. This site exists to point you to the information and support you need. ​
You are not alone.
*Sibling Sexual Trauma: What Do We Know?
What is Sibling Sexual Trauma?
Curiosity or Abuse--Where's the Line?
A note about pronouns: Anyone of any gender can be affected by sibling sexual trauma in any way. So this site generally avoids gendered pronouns, using they/them/their to refer to people of any gender in singular or plural. However, quotes and examples referring to individuals will use the appropriate singular pronoun. These quotes are either used with permission or are composites of typical situations and concerns.
A note about person-first language: As much as possible, this site uses language that avoids labels and respects the humanity of all who visit the site for any reason. For reasons of space, brevity, and clarity, the home page, site menus and navigation use the shortcut terms "survivor" and "offender." Siblingsexualtrauma.com fully supports all individuals to refer to themselves and their experiences using whatever language they choose.
Information provided by 5WAVES, Inc. ("we," "us," "our") and siblingsexualtrauma.com (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site.
The Site strives to bring together critical information from reputable sources, with references, to guide others on their path of coping, decision-making, and healing after sibling sexual trauma. The Site offers NO legal advice and NO medical or mental health advice. Any legal questions or decisions should be made in consultation with your own legal counsel. Any medical and mental health decisions should be made in consultation with your physician or mental health practitioner. 5WAVES, 5WAVES.org and Siblingsexualtrauma.com, along with the creators and contributors of the sites, fully disclaim any and all liability in connection with the content of the sites.